Our Educational Philosophy
Heritage Academy’s philosophy of education is derived from the classical education approach and TEA’s Effective Schools framework. We believe that students thrive in an environment where:
Strong instructional leadership uses a continuous improvement approach to plan effectively.
Outstanding, well-supported teachers hold high expectations for ALL students.
Effective data-driven instruction with frequent progress monitoring and different instructional modalities, including the Socratic method, helps all students achieve mastery of the essential knowledge and skills.
An orderly, safe environment and positive school culture promote learning.
Sufficient time on task enables ALL students to learn the material.
A high-quality curriculum grounded in the classical liberal arts promotes critical thinking, the ability to discourse in a civil manner, and a love of learning.
Systematic character development and opportunities for service prepare scholars for the best life possible for one’s self and others.
Positive home/school relations and parent engagement are critical for student success.